Severn Cottage Services provides the following to help you with your Cottage Rental Getaway.

We Will:

Evaluate your Cottage Rental Getaway and recommend what you should provide.

Photograph you Cottage Rental Getaway and prepare the listing with your input for our web site.

Do a thorough inspection of your Cottage Rental Getaway and provide a checklist of items. Receive all of the inquiries, screen the renters, prepare all the rental documents, receive payments and security deposits and provide you with the final payment for each rental.

Provide & manage the cleaning services between guests if required. Perform inspections after the guests have left your Cottage Rental Getaway to check and ensure it was left the same as it was prior to your rental guests arriving.

Provide you with a weekly electronic report on the status of the Cottage Getaway during the inspection.

Be the contact for your rental guests on your behalf in the case there is a problem during their stay.

Act on your behalf if there is a problem to organize the required service i.e. plumber, electrician, etc… to repair the problem so your rental guests get the enjoyment they are paying for with as little interruption as possible.

We offer Property Patrols of your property or when no one is there.


What We Offer

We work hard to make your cottage as profitable as possible while ensuring that it’s a fully enjoyable and desirable place to vacation.

When you rent your property through us you will enjoy the following key services….

  • First Class Customer Service
  • Full Pre-Occupancy Property Inspection
  • Full Inventory Checklist
  • Management of all Inquiries and Guest Stays
  • Professional Cleaning Services
  • Year Round Maintenance
  • Property Patrol